Oh deary me, what a sluggin does the poor 2.8 get ?
I've owned one now for FOUR years, had 47 thou on the clock when I bought her.
First time I took her into town,hated the bloody thing, bugger at the lights, took ages to pick up and always held traffic back behind me.
Not a pleasant truck to drive in heavy traffic.
Along came Mr Rudd and generously offered to subsidise the fitting of LPG fumigation to my Patrol together with state subsidy as well.
Couldn't get her in fast enough for the fitting. Locating the lpg tank required re-routing the exhaust, so ditched the old one and upgraded to 2 3/4 inch STRAIGHT THRU.
Boy oh Boy, what a difference it made. Dyno test proved the lpg gave me an increase of 30 Horses EXTRA, the engine ran heaps smoother and quieter and pick up was something else entirely. Now she is a dream to drive in ANY traffic, and the whine of the turbo is pleasing to hear as well.
Downside ? The old clutch couldn't handle the increase of power and started slipping seriously, instead of waiting for things to go BANG when you least expected, I took her in and replaced the clutch as well as the dual mass flywheel,(which was in good condition) sorry now that I ever fitted the solid flywheel as the smooth gear changes are now something of the past.
I copped a lot of flack from many posters on sites such as this, most had no idea or experience of lpg fumigation systems thus fitted and were only going by heresay, all preached doom and gloom, my engine would disintegrate ect, ect.
Now four years down the track, other then replace a main crank front oil seal and replace timing belt she's going as sweet as ever.
Oh, something I've not read in any posts, here or other similar sites, the 2.8 loves to Rev, it is neccessary to allow her to build up revs when she produces max torque, no problems with acceleration or staying power.
Mind you, very rarely, IF EVER, do I find the need to go past 3 Thou in the rev range.
Of course she's NOT a v8 nor is she a 4.2 and anyone expecting similar power from such a small engine deserves the outcome.
Economy ? I'd put my 2.8 alongside any 4.2 with the exception of the new Cruiser V 8's , she'll leave em all for dead, (same for highway cruising,)another thing I love about this Patrol, in these days of costly fuel, it's an important factor.
Long live the Patrol 2.8 TD.