Congrats to everyone involved in the event and especially Mark and Wayne for having the balls to put so much on the line to get this event up and running.
Thanks to Snake for their support and for the providing the cardboard cheques. I like them.
Thanks to all the guys from TLCC that helped in the marshalling as without you guys we drivers dont get the chance to do what we enjoy the most. That includes
Andrew Doring
Richard Robertson
Phil Mawbey
Bill Mealing
Julian Lowe
Kurt Uerbergang
Jason Senior
Steve Price
Thanks also to Jason Senior and Richard who shared the Team Manager role, although their joint adoration of Krystal was a little over the top and their repective wives may not be impressed.
To my team mates John Robo and Steve Brennan who I have learnt bucket loads from over the years, thank you for your advice, comaraderie and mateship.
To Maxxis for their support and an awesome set of tyres, thankyou. Thanks to John from Jmac that makes sure the car is up to scratch and a nicer bloke you couldnt wish to meet.
Thanks to my girl Bec who spent last Friday night and Saturday painting the barwork on my hilux then all day today taking photos. You couldnt wish for more from your partner than the support she gives me.
And most importantly to the guy who fixes the bits and pieces of my car, and who makes my driving look a lot better than it really should, my navi Adam Tyson, aka Mr Hyde.
Thanks to the teams that were involved in the set up of the different courses.
To our competitors Bong Bong and Suzuki who we all pushed each other right to the very end thankyou for you friendly rivalry and good sportsmanship. I think the extra seat time we have all got fron having this comp as a series has clearly helped our driving. Hey even Snowy is driving properly for a change
Cant wait for next year.
PS anyone want their barwork painted - cheap painter for hire

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