Did a bit of a search on here but couldnt find any threads that matched my problems totally, so thought I'd throw it out there to see what others think.
I have a 1990 GQ 4.2 diesel, turbo fitted just under 2 year ago, and just over 265000km on the clock. When I first start it up and begin to drive most of the time the clutch works fine, but every so often it feels like it isnt going to take up and then all of a sudden it does and the car lurches off. Once going there's no problems half the time. I can be driving around town for half hour, get back home and have had no drama. The other half of the time, after coming to a stop I get resistance when trying to get back into 1st or when trying to get into first. Now sometimes it is only a little bit of resistance and I can push the gear stick and get it into gear. Other times it just wont go into any gear at all unless I really slam it in which I know cant be good for it. 99% of the time I only get the gear selection problem after driving around for a while when everything has warmed up, but then on random occasions it happens as soon as vehicle is started.
I replaced the master cylinder when I first got it because it had a leak, and replaced the slave cylinder around a year ago with new fluid at the same time. Only incident I can think of that happened just before I started noticing the problem was that I got stuck in a muddy waterhole (wasnt bogged, actually got chassis beached on top of a large rock so there wasnt enough pressure on the wheels to drive out) but I didnt think the car was actually that deep into the water (water level was approx. level with the bottom of drivers side door and about 8 inches up passenger door).
Clutch takes up at the top of the pedal stroke, so I assumed it should be releasing enough to be able to get in gear, and clutch doesnt slip when planted in any gear or jump out of gear when I stomp it on and off. Anyone got any ideas on what the problem could be?
Hoping to get it fixed over xmas break when I head to coast and have access to cheap labour

Cheers guys