We have both 2wd and 4wd versions of these vehicles in our work fleet, and they all beep when you open the door and the keys are still in the ignition.
This is a pain for me as I enjoy having the radio on with the door open when on site.
You can stop it beeping by turning the key to the on position (just before the engine cranks), but this leaves all of the accesories on.
Today I accidentally left the aircon going and flattened the battery, PITA as I was on a downhill slope but it's an auto so no roll start.
The beeping can be stopped by removing the bottom right 15amp fuse, however this provides power to the radio

The beeping sounds like it could be coming from the radio itself, as it also beeps (although differently) when you change channels.
As this is a work car I need to make sure I don't break anything when attempting to fix this problem, and today I got as far as removing the 3 aircon dials and 2 screws before I got into breaking shit territory.
Any ideas ?