Went to the Newy launch for the dvd today, and Ive got to say...
Thats the absolute worst dvd launch Ive ever been to, no signs up, no dvd playing, not even a single freaking comp truck, not any trucks, nothing.
I had been telling the kidlets(Toby is 3, Sophie is 4) all week about today, "We are going to see the truckys on saturday", they have been excited all week, and looking forward to it just as much as me.
This morning, they woke up excited, I got them dressed in their TTC clothes that I bought them, Sophie has her TTC 2010 hoodie on and Toby has his TTC 2008 tee shirt on. They were even more excited by now.
I drove an hour from home to get to Opposite Lock in Newy, Toby was spotting 4wds everywhere, "Trucky Daddy"!! He would say and point to any 4x4 that has lift or tyres.
We pulled into the carpark, and I was expecting at least 2 or 3 comp trucks, hoping for something so the kids could see them, the carpark was empty. No signs, no display of TTc stuff, not even the TT dvd playing on their big screen, no music, nothing at all. All that was there was a small pile of dvds laying on the counter, that was it!!
Needless to say, I bought my copy of the dvd and left, the kids were disappointed, Toby was pretty upset, he didnt want to get in the car until he saw a trucky, I pointed at the GU ute out on the road, it had some lift and tyres, so that was enough for him.
I thought that the day was a waste, I couldve ordered the dvd online and saved myself the trouble of driving an hour each way, and was going to head home, but I thought that while I had the 2 kids with me and we are in Newy, we may as well do something, so I took them to the park and they ran around for a while.
Then we went for lunch at Newy West, a new shopping centre has just opened, so the kids got balloons and had their faces painted, Sophie got a flower on her cheek, and Toby got his face painted up like Buzz Lightyear.
They were pretty stoked after that.
I was a bit annoyed that there was no comp trucks at the shop for them to see, and there didnt seem to be much publicity at the shop for the launch.
I felt bad that I had got the kids excited all week about seeing truckys, and we didnt see any.
Havent watched the dvd yet though, I will watch it soon.
I have fond memories of the dvd launches at the old BBM headquarters, and even last year, in the rain at Jamie Ways shop here on the coast.
Just wanted to vent.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT- I thought they looked cute dressed in TTC gear, and Toby was so proud of himself painted up like Buzz.
Look for yourself, at least they had a good day, even if they didnt get to see the truckys.
Both of them.
Toby was so stoked, it was funny to watch parade himself around like this.
Sophie got a flower.