Ok so my 93 fzj80 started massively hesitating on acceleration today. Just wanted some ideas on where to go from here.
I'll be checking for codes on lunch break tomorrow, but thought I'd get some opinions while I'm on here.
Possibly MAF, TPS sensor failure. How do I check these? Possible with a multi meter? (I mostly understand them, variable resistors, check for resistance difference from open to closed? but what numbers am I actually looking for?)
I DO have a vacuum leak but it's been there for a while. Having difficulty tracking it down, tips?
For some reason I decided to throw $10 worth of e10 in the other day, tank was near low. A problem maybe? possibly water in the fuel? I've head water actually mixes with e10 as apposed to remaining separate like with regular petrol. That fuel was in there for 1-2 days, since put $40 premium in.
I had a hesitation problem like this some months ago (although this time around it's much worse), was resolved by disconnecting the o2 sensor and just dealing with the rich mixture. I reconnected it to day to have a gander only to have the car run even worse.
Thanks all, any ideas to help me sort this without going out and blowing all my piggy bank on expensive sensors that aren't actually busted.
EDIT: I should add that if I floor it, the hesitation is much less or seemingly doesn't happen at all (most of the time, varies