Just home from Melbourne where I purchased a HJ61RG. Its got 240k on the clock, 24v system, all electrics work ie sunroof and windows, has minor (surface) rust around window frames and the sunroof itself is bubbly. After the 1300km trip the following were revealed:
-bad uni joints
-transfer case rear seal is shot
-clutch due
-diff whines, i suspect pinion issue

On a good note tho, the air con is great, tyres are good and I was getting 10-12L/100km out of the 12HT that seems to be running like a dream.

So, firstly I was wandering about the transfe case seal- are they an easy fix? can I repalace it under the car or do I have to drop it out first? Ive heard of some owners joining the gear box and transfer case plugs with hose to relieve pressure ...is this true?? Im not so worried about the clutch right now as Ive no 4wd trips planned. It will just be a commute up and down the highway so Im hoping that I can do the seal under the car...
Uni Joints... easy!
Diff whine... also some backlash too... what do you think it could be or what should I look for?