This is what is needed, and any info / price approximation etc

Squik I know your out there somewhere its true you currently have a 2" BL yes or no

Gutless wrote:Can you cut the studs in the floorback slightly, and screw a treaded block onto the remaining stud, and then screw a high tensile bolt up through the body mount and into the lift block? Is the tread M10x 1.25? If so, I have a kit that will fit jimnys ready to go. The kit would then be identicle to a sierra kit. (not including bumper mounts and steering spacers etc.)
Beastmavster wrote:1" is worth doing. 1" is 1" worth of worth doing.
If you're only having minor rubbing issues go for 1"...... usually requires few mods for a body lift that small.
When I went from 1" ot 1 1/2" on the vitara it made for a lot more mods.
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