Doooh wrote:Ossie wrote:cebarry wrote:It's also good to see another mixed team, tho I so wish there was another women "driver" who would enter.
My wife is keen to drive, though she does not feel that she has the confidence yet. At this stage I intend to
make her enter the Vicwinch this year and we will take it from there.
Kelly & I have been talking about doing it as a team next year after her great run in the Pajero Challenge (after all she does own half the car!!!).
We will probably share the driving becuase she is not quite so cavalier when it comes to the rough stuff (but that's only really the three stages Goat Run/Nitrocharger, Gorge Run & Winch Wall). On everything else i think she may give Celia a run for her money and it would be great to be in the same group so I'm sorry to hear this is your last year. Looking forward to seeing you up there.
Henry, I agree, I'm no real threat to anyone.... he he!.....that's not really what I was on about....what I hope women will do, is be encouraged with the fact that if I can do it, so can they and give them the confidence to give anything a go..........the 3 stages you mention, Nitrocharger, the Gorge and Winch wall are amongst my favourite and certainly not scary to me........having a good navie/spotter, fast winch and winch skills all count and in the case of the women who enter as navies with their partners/hubbies, I admire them greatly, as it's no mean task for them to undertake, I know I certainly couldn't.
Good navigation skills are an absolute must too.......and this year there's going to be a nite Brumbies as well as a day that is going to be fun, cos the terrain is unforgiving in the daylite as it is.
Speed and power are a huge plus, which is where we've always been disadvantaged ....but then we are in it for the sheer thrill and fun of it all and it's going to be extremely hard for us to give it up that's for sure.
Hopefully we'll see you all soon,
Happy last minute preps.....