Have spoken to Hobzee but havn't heard from Jonesy as yet. Hobzee didn't have much news but what I did find out is below.
~ Hobzee said he had a good consistant day at Denien posting the fastest times in the day motorkhana SS and the Gunbarrel SS for his group. He said he pushed very hard on the night motorkhana but was still 5 secs slower than Birdy from the day before.
~ No one in his group drove the sand wall

There is no V8's in his group.
~ Chunck and Peter are still driving consistantly.
~ Nick Mannell has had to return to B.H. for the 2nd time. This time to repair a broken shock mount.
~ Nathan and Wayne in a white GQ SWB, who had returned to the group after sourcing an alternator in B.H. yesterday, have there vehicle on a tray truck heading back B.H. after the swivel ball/knuckle broke from the housing

They plan to repair and return to the group!!!! tha's the spirit
~ The hilux dual cab from South Africa had returned to B.H. for engine repairs!
~ Alan Mai got a lot of water in places he shouldn't have during the night SS at the mud last night. Spent all of today making repairs and missed all of todays SS's at the mud.
~ Alan Moysey (sp) from Victoria in the White Pro Comp Range Rover is going well and only had the one DNF.
~ Hobzee said the mud is really starting to effect everyone's trucks with bonnets in the air at every spare minute
~ The cameraman caught Birddy's drive at the Prologue so we should all get to see it when the DVD comes out
Don't think i will hear from Hobzee again until Friday night but should still get the odd update from T. Trudi. She is hoping to get into B.H. tonight or tomorrow to post up some photos.
Will try Jonesy again and post up what I find out.
Cheers, Shane.