Guts (this is not a go at you or Snake, just my observation)
I Have a Cross-over, behind, up side down, thingy set-up using stock toyota arms and i have never had a problem with breaking studs and busting king-pin bearings (bearings are over rated anyway

) this to me appears to be either
poor maintenance or a
FLOOR (not fault) in the design!
The issue here is, someone has discovered a small niggling problem with a certain item.
When discussed further other people have also stated they have experienced the same, fair enough there may be 100 or so sets and only a couple of BAD eggs but
as with any product you BUY you expect there to be no hassles, if there is than the issue is resolved quickly either by replacing the part or refunding the money!
There would be a very fine tolerance when these items are machined, it could be that the tooling is getting worn and has cut slightly oversize making the arm fit VERY tightly into the bearing or it could be operator error and machined a thou" to much of and thus making it to sloppy in the bearing (it would not be noticable by feel and eye but with the weight and stress of the vehicle it would not take long to flog out!
This is somthing that should be brought to the manufactures notice!
On another note!
As with driving style it shoudn't really matter how other people Drive, we have one way that we have found very effective
for the terrain we drive and you have found a suitable way
that you like!
Yes we break stuff but not as often as people would hope!!!!!
Certain things break dew to FATIGUE, when something gets wheeled to the EXTREME every second weekend some thing is bound to let go sooner or later!
Guts if i was sponsored by a company and there was someone raising issues with a certain product than i would try and get them to do something about it, not only will that give the company a better REP it would also help you out as other would be sponsors may also read what you have done and think this is the type of wheeler we want to promote our product!