This will be my first 4wd.(i've been wheeling a few times, just that this would be my own vehicle)
Im on a tight budget, max of 5k, really dont want to spend more than 4 cause im a tightass, and im poor (double whammy).
But the advantage is that this vehicle is only for offroad, doesnt matter how it handles on road, aslong as it can still be driven to tracks, im happy.
So in buying a vehicle, this would be an advantage seeing as i dont care what the condition of the exterior is in(aslong it isnt covered in rust or has other massive problems, obviously).
From reading posts here ive gathered that the sierra, hilux and mq seem to be the most suggested in the -5k budget, and also just as first 4wds generally.
I have a few questions about these.
Ill start with the sierra.
1. Cheap, seems to have a shitload of aftermarket support and seems to be very popular among 4wdrivers in general.
But, im "mid" tall. 192cm (6'3) and im concerened as to how id fit in a sierra. (i should really just go and sit in one, but, i havent) Obviously i dont want to be uncomfortable when im supposed to be having fun.
2. They dont seem to be able to fit a large size tyre without extensive modifcations, now im only going off the fact that harder offroad vehicles seems to have atleast 33s all the way up to 37s. Is there some advantage to the sierra that makes it not need these larger sizes?
1. I seem to like larger vehicles in general and they're (the hilux) about the same size as a triton, which i learned to drive in, so im familiar with that size and quite happy with it.
2. They can fit a larger tyre more easily it seems than a sierra. (again, is it really necessary for the driving ill be doing, this'll be a little further down the post)
3. Lots of aftermarket support it seems. Although im not sure what its like for the earlier (80-84)models.
4. They seem to be quite cheap.
5. Way down the line if i get the hardcore modifcation bug, i could chuck a 1uz or 2uz in it if i was dedicated, or had the money to pay someone else to do it for me.

1. As superficial as this is, i really dont like the look of the MQ, its looks a little like a retarded brick on wheels.
2. I really havent looked in the MQ as i dont really like it (as for mentioned above)

The general stuff.
Im in victoria so the type of wheeling id be doing in this vehicle is mostly mud. (the Otways, i've never driven on any of the alpine tracks)

So is it really necessary for 6 inch lifts and 35inch tyres just to drive muddy rutty tracks? Yes, i know some ruts can be very deep.

Plus, im the sought of person that likes to get it right the first time (ie, i dont want to buy a set of 33s if in 6 months time already need & want to get 35s). But again, will that ever be necessary (i guess its kind of hard to tell how hardcore ill get in time, but oh well)
Sorry for the long ass post, but these are the questions i need to ask, and after such a long time lurking, i think this might begin in making up for it.

Oh, and one pre-requisite is power steering, i've never even noticed if any of the aforementioned vehilce have it, but i f**king hate not having it.