Now to decide between rubber and urethane bushes. My OME ones have lasted a very very long time, but rubber is cheaper and more compliant....more money to spend

cool thanks dooood, that's worth knowingalien wrote:theres 2 types of poly bushes you can get... some are like rocks, others are soft as...
most poly ones have grooves to hold grease in too...
i'd go to a suspension shop and have a squeeze of a few bushes... if you can squoosh it in ur hand then its a good poly bush.
I must say that my o.m.e bushes, that came with the suspension, were very, very hard when fitted, but softened up in about 3-4 months and then lasted many years....maybe thats the go with tuff dogs, need breaking in?Suzuki Surf Chik wrote:I bought a set of Tough Dog bushes last week and they are bloody rock hard.....
Do the o.m.e bushes happen to be yellow? If they are, it could be they're all from the same manufacturer, as I've also had yellow bushes before, ( can't remember what brand they were) and yeah, I can press these older ones easier with my fingers (softer) than the tough dogs are at the moment. I'll give the Tuffy's a go anyway... Thanks for the info! Oh, and they cost me $65 for the complete set. Much better on the hip pocket!christover1 wrote: o.m.e bushes
Yes mate, all the OME bits I've seen are yellow, but manufactures copy each others colors and the like to con us, but we're zookers, we don't con easily...well not often anywaySuzuki Surf Chik wrote: Do the o.m.e bushes happen to be yellow? !
OldGold wrote:
I went to coventrys and two different suspension joints and all three said they couldn't get stock suzuki rubbers in anymore - I thought that was a bit suss and still don't believe they aren't out there anymore.
I totally agree, that was my first thought, but with the extreme wear in the bushes, it can more easily move up and down and back and forward under load/unload, so its probably amplifying the problem. Yes the draglink is a little flatter, (shorter too) and I do have lift, silly offset rims etc, all making that much worse. But either way bushes need doing. I have got used to it, but just wanna make sure everything was ok. I thought I'd done something wrong.zooki wrote:the left right thing is due to the angle of the dranklink, chassis lifts up it increases the angle and pulls the wheels right, chassis drops decreases the angle and pushes the wheels left, is the new pitam arm flatter? if so the increase in angle may have made it more noticable and the power steer means the steering wont move form the box end so it feels worse.
bushes want help any, drop pitman arm will but I dont know that you can get one for your setup.
as for the bushes, post up about it on a certain QLD clubs forum and you can get them as soft as you want for a lot less than the shops
It's a tiny bit harsher, but it was when I got new ones 10 years ago. They take a few weeks to soften nicely. More off road you do, the quicker they bed inMudzuki wrote:Any harsher with the new bushes?
Im in dire need of some new bushes and i am considering the OMEs as they are listed as $120 for the full kit in the ARB Price List.
It actually looks worse now its getting better.Suzuki Surf Chik wrote:OUCH!!!! that's a nasty bump to the cheek.. lucky it didn't go IN your eye..... But your eye pics getting more looks than your shagged bushes , hehe
i thought it was super glue to when the doctor was glueing my friends head back up but aparrently its a medical glue and has been around for a whilechristover1 wrote:It actually looks worse now its getting better.Suzuki Surf Chik wrote:OUCH!!!! that's a nasty bump to the cheek.. lucky it didn't go IN your eye..... But your eye pics getting more looks than your shagged bushes , hehe
Bruising spread.
Next day went to docs as bleeding wouldn't stop.
She used what I reckon was superglue to stick it up with, but she swore it wasn't, but we know betterguess I'm lucky she didnt just weld it up.
Yes I do feel very lucky, nearly lost me eyesight with an exploding radiator last year, now this......and I knew more OL types would check out the face carnage, rather than the dead bushes![]()
both definately, tho I thought someone would have commented sooneralien wrote:i still dunno if he's calling himself a tool or abusing the tool that hit him? =)
I've often heard that, too. It does make sense on paper.bennybigballs wrote:an old salty zook driver told me once never to put eurethane bushes into a zook as they will not flex and give like a rubber one and all being that the zooks are so light and all i think allan duncan kermit told me that
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