You have to pump up the brakes till they go hard and then if you leave your foot on it sinks to the floor. They used to work ok though.
So on Sunday, I bought an S/H master cylinder from pick and payless and it seems a bit better. Sometimes it doesn’t drop in the floor. Still have to pump up the brakes for hem to work. I braved it and took it for a test drive and the brakes are all over the place. One minute they are in the floor and still don’t work, next they pull up but wont lock up, Then they might go hard and don’t do a thing. And occasionally you can get the rears to lock up.
The whole time they have been Spongy.
So what are your thoughts on this? A relative who is a mechanic told me he has seen this sort of thing before on old inter fire trucks and could be a master Cyl or just a heap of air that won’t bleed out. I have spent ages bleeding and rebleeding but still no joy
So what is you thoughts, before I go and spend more money on this