Then about a fortnight ago -- shortly after attacking this boghole, as in about 3 minutes after -- it developed a really bad habit of not wanting to run. It was like it had air in the lines, so I'd get out, crack the two nuts on the side of the injector pump, and hand-prime til only diesel came out (i.e there WAS actually air in the lines). it would run for about 30 seconds then die in the arse.
so what ive done so far is replace the fuel filter (dont have a seperater so that's all i could do), which after a little f'ing around with re-bleeding made it run alright...I got is as far as from Windsor to home (Parramatta). Drove it to work the next day -- home again, no worries. To KFC after it sat for 3 hrs in the evening and on the way home, 2km through Friday night Parramatta traffic it died a total of 8 times, causing me to re-bleed it and drive it that little further. I eventually cracked the sh*ts and kept one bleed nut half-undone and drove it home the last 500m leaking diesel, but it got home. So I got a mate who works on deisel machinery to come bleed it properly, and it would actually keep running -- albeit very roughly. No power at all, idles like a dog, blows smoke, dies as soon as you try and take off -- imagine what a petrol donk does with water up in the dizzy.
so, any suggestions? my theory goes so far that the fuel pump is still working cause it will idle continuously now, and there's no air in the lines cause my mate cracked the first injector nozzle (well the little screw that comes off the bottom of it at a right angle) and only diesel came out, so it could possibly be something to do with the injectors?
any idea of where in sydney (preferably near to silverwater where I work) that I could take it? There is a diesel MQ sitting at Pick N payless with a full set of injectors /pump on it, maybe I should try running those? I'm a cash-strapped young fella too, I was going to bite the bullet and take it in to a place to get it looked at but the diesel joint on Silverwater Road said they'd want a 'couple hundred bucks' just to look at it and maybe adjust the tappets. Although Ive just learnt that's probably about normal

Thanks very much for listening to my incoherent rambles and your suggestions