inka wrote:cant remember the name of the shocks i used but got em from redcliffe springs and suspension. made my rocky ride a lot better on road and offroad was a huge diff. pretty sure i paid round the 80-90 each bud

Would you be able to do us a huge fav and stick ur head under the car and get the brand name

... i've been told i'd be able to get a decent shock for around 100, but dont really care about on-road improvements, just offroad

- the shocks are that bad atm its like riding on just the springs, their stiff as, so nething will be an improvement.
I generally try to steer clear of 4x4 stores as i've found them mostly to be, well, %$$#*%$@'s

, once they see a lil rocky with 2" they really dont care, but they'll fuss over a sum turd that wants a snorkel for his new prado

......might have to make the shocks an exception though