After removing the wheel there was not really much to show and I must have thrown the old 75 disc out as I couldn't find it. It was a rusted one a wrecker let me have to check distances with.
So here's some old pics when I was fabbing it that show my bracket.
I made my bracket so it is a snug fit around the bearing housing so it also acts as additional support and its positioing is then governed by this centralising rather than lined up using the bolt holes, ie it can only be bolted up central etc.
As previously mentioned this involves having the front disc centre hole machined to 106mm and I also forgot to mention that the outside axle edge has to also be machined down a few mill so it will actually go inside the disc. With all my projects I have a tendency to not only consider what will work but it has to also look like it was meant to be,

so having the disc machined was not a concern to me nor the axles as they are already hybrid, being Toy axles recut to a Dana44 spline,

Joels bracket could be used in the same fashion, ie bolted on the outside, if guys went for the 151 disc and had it machined. I now recall why the 75 was not a good option for mine as the shocks were in the way so I had to come up with an alternative. The 75 disc is 12mm shorter than the Nissan and cannot have a straight bracket as the bracket needs to basically line up where the axle tube flange is so it will need to be stepped. It could easily be machined out of a thicker piece of steel to suit or if ok with an engineer another piece then welded to the main bracket to form the step.
Using the 75 disc would be a lot easier in the long term as its a straight bolt up and replacement etc so having some dedicated mounts machined up still makes better sense as once they are done and bolted on they are on for keeps.
If an engineer will pass a slightly larger centre hole then the Mitsi 233 would be worth considering as its 108mm meaning the centre hole is only 1mm larger than the Toy radius,ie 1mm each side = 2mm which is a lot closerand really bugger all as rust would take that up

. Its 84mm wide meaning if 4 additional 4mm spacers were welded to Joel's bracket at the flange mounting point to space it out a further 4mm its done.
But this is Joel's post and baby so its his call,
All I was trying to do was point out the caliper that was proposed to be used would not work and you would all be wasting time and money.