Ah the things you come across on the net

And there is a guard chopBig Red Toy wrote:thats a 35[img]
by the way i'm only picking on him cos i have met him before
yes i am on my p's, it is my first 4wd first car aswell., and yes i am having a go. and it doesnt bother me if someone has a better car than me. they probably worked hard for it? this has been built on a tight budget, and all work has ben done by me aswell.mk swb wrote:give him a break!!!! OBVIOSLY He's on his P plates and probably his first 4WD may, not be as flash as yours but he's having a go!!! All things take time he might even end up with a better 4WD than YOU!!!!!
might not be your cup of tea. but its working fine and ha had some hard pulls from it. and the bar has had work done to it. (which i wont go into because you will all cry more.)V8Patrol wrote:On the negative side ...........
What sort of twit would put the recovery hook in the middle of the bullbar,
Especially a std non winch type bar ....... Oh well it will bend up nicely when the time comes !
yeh it was stock when the pics were taken, sway bar still connected, tyres are 31" at's, body is fairly straight. now has a fe more dents, marks,but there beause i got the car to drive, and learn to drive in. which is what im using it for. that care factor is called a roadworthy.... but i try to look after it but i still have fun in it. would love to add v8 SOA, 35s... ect...V8Patrol wrote:Not bad ................... Not bad at all![]()
Considering is a stock unit its sits sweetly,
nice flat front left spring pak ( with swaybar still connected ),
tyres that look to be 33's and not rubbing,
The body is fairly straight too,
there is two spots of cancer that have been fixed ( this shows a positave "care factor" ),
no major dents or scrapes,
& theres an actual shine to the paintwork,
All up it has some real potential........
just add .........
V8 , SOA, 35"s ,
Experiance is the best learning device known ..... thats why the hook is located in a bad place......dromana7411 wrote:might not be your cup of tea. but its working fine and ha had some hard pulls from it. and the bar has had work done to it. (which i wont go into because you will all cry more.)V8Patrol wrote:On the negative side ...........
What sort of twit would put the recovery hook in the middle of the bullbar,
Especially a std non winch type bar ....... Oh well it will bend up nicely when the time comes !
where the hook is it has a steel plate 3-4mm welded onto the inside of the bar. so that has been done, there is also a bar which runs along the edge of the bar (welded to it), which has also been attached to the chassis.V8Patrol wrote: plateing the front section will assist and improve the strength but additional support needs to be placed both back to the chassis from the bar and bracing to minimumise rotational pressures both on the mountings and the actual centre section of the bar.
Thats is the reason you see most recovery hooks or recovery points located directly in line with the actual chassis rails both on std non wichbars AND on bars with winches fitted.
I'd asumed ( incorrectly ) that the rig had had this fitted much ealier by a previous owner. I cant recall seeing a thread about hook location other wise I like many others would have given the details to better locate the hook.chimpboy wrote:With regards to the recovery hook in the bullbar... I don't think Kingy would have said "what a twit" if he'd known you were likely to read it, and it's fair enough if you feel insulted, but he is right that the middle of the bullbar is not a good location for it.
It would be better to move it to the chassis rail - maximum strength comes when there is no leverage on the bolts.
You may get away with using it where it is for a while or even forever, but it is definitely not the strongest location to choose. I doubt it's going to kill anyone but if there is a failure it is likely to cause damage.
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