Have changed coolant -

Have replaced thermostat -

Have replaced radiator cap -

Have replaced top radiator hose (looked suss) -

Have checked all hoses for visible leaks -

No oil in water -

No water in oil -

No bubbles in radiator -

Fan coupling is suss but not bad enough to worry about.
Looses water - but there is no sign on moisture on the motor or under the car (anywhere - she is as dry as a bone)
Carpets are dry as far as I can see.
Car runs fine.
Car does not overheat while I am driving only when I am stuck in traffic for extended time and temp drops as soon as I get moving again.
If it was a water pump I believe I would have seen some sign of moisture by now so I am beginning to think head gasket.

I need to get to a radiator place to have a couple of tests done but thought i would ask fist if anyone has any thoughts on where else to look first ???????
Motor has only done a bit over 30,000 since rebuild.