I was hoping someone could shed some light on this subject for me. I have recently acquired a 89 RR, and I have noticed that the steering is a bit loose or vague. I know this is not just another Land Rover quirk. It is too dangerous to put up with.
When driving at high speeds it is more noticable as keeping the thing in a straight line is a bit of a choir.
When the steering wheel is at dead centre there is about 10 or more degrees of light play each way until there is any resistance and wheels start to move.
This causes concern when driving at 100 and your trying to steer in a straight line, as you tend to have to over correct to bring the thing in straight.
Under the bonnet I have tried rotating the connecting rod(Sorry don't kniow the name) in between the firewall side and the power steering box. There seems to be a bit or play in this too. As I would assume trying to dry turn this when the engine off and no power assist should result in little movement.
To get to the point, I would like to know if this is a normal symptoms of power steering box wear, or it s sympton of bearing wear on the steering column . Or Something else completly.
This is something I dont want to tackle myself and I want to be armed with some knowledge before I take it to be looked at.
Any recomendations on a good repairer that will be familar with such symptoms and will solve the issue at a reaonable cost would be appreciated too
