Hey fellas
Bit of an update, been on gas all week, only around town work, no Hwy use, I done 310km from the tank of LPG, the tank ended up taking around 88ltrs to fill, this cost me with the 4c/ltr discount $46.36
I am very happy with the amount of LPG it used, I was hopping to get 350km on the Hwy, by the sounds I will or should get more than that... Very happy...
Power difference is present, as you can feel the difference between the 2 at any speed, tho, Petrol is there in an instant as the fuel pump is on %100 of the time, so it is instant power when needed, ie up a hill loaded etc etc.
Over taking I cant see a problem as there is still plenty of grunt there on LPG, heaps, infact it would have double the power of an eqiv 3.0ltr diesel on tap anytime either on gas or petrol..
So all up SO FAR I am as happy as larry...
One hick up at the moment which will be fixed on the 1000km service is, when you start the car it starts on PETROL, it then swiches over to LPG about 30sec later so, during that swich, the car sometimes stumbles or stalls at idle or just above idle, this pisses me off BIG time, yesturday it stalled going down a hill I had NO vacume for the brakes. So I just flicked the swich and started in PETROL (in neutral) but if you wernt on the ball, this could of ended in a serious accident at the intersection down the end of the hill WITH NO BRAKES... It doesnt stall or stumble above 1500rpm it seems to only effect under cruise...
The car runs nice at idle and all the way through the rev range... Im really happy so far, i just hope i get a good run with the engine..