Bitsamissin wrote:Onya Phil, a Gen 2 is miles ahead of a Gen 1 in terms of performance and confort (and of course looks).
I'm glad your happy with it after the long wait.
What mods are you planning ?
Well Vic, as you probably read on the wire, the plan from the beginning with this one was to again have a 4x4 for my daily commute, and get rid of the third vehicle, what with the trailer, and building a new house, etc... So fuel economy is paramount for my daily 160kms plus to work.
So far I've put 33x1050 ATs on it to bring the revs down a bit, and also to serve double duty as trail tires and commuters. I want every mod to at least not take away this truck's utility ON the road. A tall order when almost every mod takes something away, but you know me - I never take the "normal" route...

Also put a Safari snorkel on it mostly to keep dust out, but we do lots of water crossings up here, so its good insurance for that too. Lastly, I put a set of manual Aisin hubs on it so the CVs aren't turning all the time - this is one of those win-win mods...
Going forward? Hmmm... would like to mount the winch inside/behind the front factory (for now) bumper but need to do some measuring to see if this will work? Also have to figure out how I can remote moun the solenoid under the hood (winch is an integrated unit, so need to get creative). Need to do a real fuel tank skid. Need to do some rocker sliders, but want em light as possible but still effective

. Would also like to stick a locker in the rear axle, but that's a ways off.
Also some standard stuff, like installing my Articulator, putting a rack on top, etc etc.
This is a pretty mild and boring buildup by most standards, but it'll be interesting to see how far one can push a Paj offroad when it still has to function as a high-mileage daily driver. We'll see how long it is before compromises start?
Good to be driving it again though, even if I'm driving on the "right" side now, like you guys do. Certainly get a lot of looks on the road now. Esp when my dog is sitting in the left front seat!