ok gentlemen and ladies some tech help for u all to ponder
open dizzys up please remove the rulcuser/points plates
below that is a cam for your centrif weights
remove it and carefully look at it on top of it will find a number that tells you what advance it does
ignore that ( found this out hard way ) usally is 14 or 16
some have an 8 on it
if u have 1 of the latter sit back in postion and make it open the weights up to full position
see how far it throws them out any more than half way out that is to be used with no vac advance at all
if throws out weigts to half way use vac advance on dizzy
if not sure quick trick i found out
put in dizzy
start car idles ok
bring up revs to about 2000 and hold there dont move foot it car revs and dies and then revs again remove vac advance and see what it does is 1 of these faulty 8 deg versions rover made some of these in lucas dizzys for race versions only there is a few out there that u will come across or moded up to it by tinkerers
most of these also have x on them aswell if org part
note early 2 pin dizzys adapt to new style plug and hook to late remote plug wirks ok also plate from new type DONT FIT IN RIGHT PLACE IN OLD DIZZYS early 2 pin dizzys are same type of dizzy as points type
new have hole for wires in diff place and settings for it when u install are diff
plug leads positions
1 move round the cap