landy_man wrote:Shadow wrote:um
the reason we pay alot for lightforce etc is the lens design.
those little house-hold-rip-off lights are going to have a totaly sheithouse light spread and will be nexto useless past about 20metres.
I have 12v "downlight" lights on my mountain bike and the light they give off (and they are 10w) is unbelievable..
I have not said these are the best and brighest lights out there.. BUT the guys I have spoken with in the UK who are using them for 4wding (not highway roo spotting) say they are the ducks nuts..
Hence, I will be bringing a few pairs in and will see for myself..
Now, lets get back to discussing chinese made lightforce copies

iv got the downlight type lights on my mountain bike also, they go alright, and theyre not crappy ones cos i use to work in a pushy shop, but still the light they give if is fine for riding a bike, but when driving a car....

dunno, guess youd have to wait and see,
how much did you say they are worth for a pair??? i think id rather give it a crack at making them....
iv even seen a guy run a computer webcam through the same setup and link it to his computer so he can video his sessions
i just dont think theyll be bright enough to see anything decent....perhaps they will, but even when i think of outside downlights that light up fences and plants and statues and shit in peoples gardens/houses, theyre not THAT good...
do let us know though Landy Man