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Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:43 am
by jabboo
lol .. sorry about that .... got through them ok though.
would be very interesting to see what it looked like from outside the cabin
hope you got that on vid


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:17 am
by lowndsie
yes....... my only damage for the trip was a jammed hood. just spent an hour on it and now its as good as new.

sorry to hear bout your trip back being a bit ordinary, if it makes you feel any better, at least i can say that i was sitting in front of the fire reading the lastest 4wd monthly with a beer in my hand. and yes paul, it was a XXXX from north of the border......

hey i hope you got the mud throw by croz onto the windscreen of john's hilux on video....that was bloody funny. i think by the end of day he was humbled enough....

i think jabboo's new name should be projectile.........

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:35 am
by murcod
Bring on the pics! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:59 pm
by Green Machine
hey guys, i'm so annoyed i couldn't go yesterday, you better get the pics up asap,


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:23 pm
by Croz
Well there arent as many shots as I had hoped, must have been driving more than shooting. Chris has some good footage of all the rigs getting it on throughout the day, but of stills there arent as many.

Dont hassle Chris about the vid cos he has some major uni shit to get through this semester but we will have a crack at another vid compilation soon. Hell... if I buy another 100gig hard drive and some more ram I might even give it a go!!!

Here is a selection of the pics I got resized. They are 700kb each full size so if anyone wants big uns I'll email them or let me know and well sort out a CD... I hear you Jase!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:32 pm
by Croz
Some more:

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:42 pm
by Croz
And More

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 7:57 pm
by Croz
Here we go again!!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:01 pm
by Croz
Last one for now...

Anthony, would you believe that I didnt get a single shot of you through the whole day!!

Must have been moving too fast!

Ill do my best to grab some stills off the video for you and Dave!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:46 pm
by murcod
Excellent pics. :D

Hey Croz what's that hanging off your spare wheel? A carrier for something???


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:52 pm
by lowndsie
its a dyke carrier.......

i mean bike carrier. home made.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:53 pm
by Croz

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:58 pm
by crowey
nice pics dude! wish we had stuff like that here in adelaide

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:19 pm
by jabboo
how clean is your car in that pic with the bike :P
havent completely washed the car yet. just hosed it down quickly on the outside. drove it up some car ramps my uncle had and used a jet nozel on the whole undercarage bloody thing took ages.
also i have an oil leak in my transmission. think its a seal.
i noticed it because when i went down there everything was light mud brown and then the black oil stood out. will get it checked out tommorow.and see if they can change the oil in it aswell cause the stuff that was leaking was pretty black.

took my swaybar off while i was under the car and went for a quick drive... bloody brilliant, the ride is alot smoother. thanks for recommending that.


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:25 pm
by lowndsie
got my car spotless today. no water restrictions where i am. wasnt too bad actually.

even got round to cleaning the engine bay.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:33 pm
by jabboo
serious... no water restrictions .... :twisted:
look like youll have to invite everyone over after a day out to clean there cars.... i took the risk and just said stuff it .


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:37 pm
by lowndsie
maybe i should start charging car lovers rates.....

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:10 pm
by ferog
Looks like you guys had a good day.. Nice driving Jason.. ;) i might bring rog up when clutch is fixed and get competetive. :D


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:32 pm
by lowndsie
hey jabboo, did u end up with any water damage?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:47 pm
by jabboo
dont think so
car is running fine

only problem is that oil leak and mud in the brakes that i cant get out without taking the wheels off .. pretty sure its in the rear drums.



Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:55 pm
by lowndsie
dont think i'll be in for another trip for awhile....need to get some mods done. tyres, lift, snorkel and extractors at least.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:01 pm
by jabboo
yeap snorkle and lift for me aswell
might have to get together one day and do the bodylift at the same time, if your keen.


Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:03 pm
by lowndsie
body lift will be last for me. might not even do it. just need to c how much i get from this suspension lift next week.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:23 am
by ShinyDiscoBalls
Well gentlemen, yesterday took the car to my local car wash cafe, had a soya latte and a ceasar salad with light dressing and watched an illegal immigrant wash my car... and it only cost me $120!!!! :D :D :D

Joking. Took it to car lovers, put a sign on the back window.... "GOING TO BE A LOOOONG TIME". Found that appart from the hole in the front bumper I also pushed one of my very "BLING" side step up a bit when I bottomed the rig out in that group shot.

Good fun day and surprised how well the Disco did in it's stock condition. The wife took well to the damage mainly because the repair bill is next to nothing. But it looks like I need to talk her into getting that bull bar!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Can't wait fo the next one fellas. Well done to the newbies, all performed well. Just a pity Dave in his dad's Pajero wasn't keen to give me the keys to the rig so I could tackle the wombat holes.... :twisted: :D :D :twisted:

Things to point out.... Discovery bumpers are crap. John picked the wrong sport if he's as tight as you say he is Jason. Anthony needs to take some Valium before getting behind the wheel. Croz needs to get rid of the Dike carrier.

I will post my pics once I get a chance....


Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:48 am
by lowndsie
hey paul you didnt mention what i needed to do.......

thats cause my fez rocks......

or is it cause there too many to list??? :cry:

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:09 pm
by ShinyDiscoBalls
Learn how to use a shovel..... if you keep the Fez stock for too long you'll be doing a lot of digging.... :D :D :D :D :D


Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 7:05 pm
by lowndsie
give me a few months and i'm keen to do it again.......

lift is being done tomorrow, ordered MT/R tyres and maybe snorkel by end of next month.....

then we'll c who's using the shovel..... :fist:

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:15 pm
by Croz
Well there are a few issues with my Feroza as of the weekend, nothing serious though...

I didnt realise how loud that whistle was until I had a watch of the video and you guys told me of the noise. I disconnected the snorkel and it is still apparent so I might swap the exhaust manifold over for my spare this week and see if thats the reason, its a pretty common fault with ferozas.

However I am extremely impressed with the snorkel, not a drop of water in the filter or near it... and the alternator had dried out after that last crossing by the time we hit tarmac... :D Chris got some mad footage of a bow wave heading up and over the bonnet of my car and onto the windscreen in one of the water crossings, there is also good stuff of the mud runs, especially John doing it camikaze style and Jabboo trying to get airborne over he moguls! :D

The handbrake is rooted, but thats normal for these cars after wheeling. Nothing a hose, screwdriver and an hour or so wont fix...

I found dirt in places in the back of the car I never dreamed of, all flicked in doing the moguls with the windows open for effect!

Nice to hear about the tyres Jase, I might have to wear mine out quick and go for some muddies...

At the moment I am tossing up whether to do a body lift or not... I like the suspension lift as is but want to fit some rock sliders and think it will be easier and look neater if the body is lifted. Not a full 50mm, more thinking about a 30mm lift. Not sure what to do as yet though.

Hmmm, decisions... decisions! :cool:

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:15 am
by X-R-Cist
Croz wrote:Well there are a few issues with my Feroza as of the weekend, nothing serious though...

I didnt realise how loud that whistle was until I had a watch of the video and you guys told me of the noise. I disconnected the snorkel and it is still apparent so I might swap the exhaust manifold over for my spare this week and see if thats the reason, its a pretty common fault with ferozas.

However I am extremely impressed with the snorkel, not a drop of water in the filter or near it... and the alternator had dried out after that last crossing by the time we hit tarmac... :D Chris got some mad footage of a bow wave heading up and over the bonnet of my car and onto the windscreen in one of the water crossings, there is also good stuff of the mud runs, especially John doing it camikaze style and Jabboo trying to get airborne over he moguls! :D

The handbrake is rooted, but thats normal for these cars after wheeling. Nothing a hose, screwdriver and an hour or so wont fix...

I found dirt in places in the back of the car I never dreamed of, all flicked in doing the moguls with the windows open for effect!

Nice to hear about the tyres Jase, I might have to wear mine out quick and go for some muddies...

At the moment I am tossing up whether to do a body lift or not... I like the suspension lift as is but want to fit some rock sliders and think it will be easier and look neater if the body is lifted. Not a full 50mm, more thinking about a 30mm lift. Not sure what to do as yet though.

Hmmm, decisions... decisions! :cool:

LIFT IT!!! LIFT IT!!! :armsup:

heheh glad to see everyone had a good time. Im so pissed i couldnt make it *kicks car* But thats the price you pay for not testing water depth :D

Croz, careful with that alternator mate, you dont want to spend another 3 hours in a pub (well maybe you do). I just found out yesterday that the new one they put in is rooted. Called NRMA for a warranty job and they fixed it nice and quick. Thankfully i was at home when i realised :lol:

Next time another day trip is set, i will try my best not to go out wheeling the week before heheh but i wish i could of been there. There seems to have been plenty of mud (which im begining to dislike) and some challenging tracks.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:35 pm
by Green Machine
hey guys, nice pics from the weekend, i think we should go all go up again it looks like so much fun would anyone be keen to go and have a thrash??
