Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:31 am
X2. Overcharging causes high head temperatures in the compressor and causes premature failure. cheersMadmac wrote:a bigger than usual charge as you put it will fu#k your compressor, refrigeration sytems are designed to run a certain ammount of refrigerant, if a system is over charged, the refrigerant will return to the compressor in a liquid state rather than as a gas vapour, gas can be compressed, liquid cant. there is absolutely no benefit in having too much refrigerant charged into a system, unless you have a leak, even then its not a benefit, it simply means the system will work for a couple of extra days before it all leaks out. IMO there is too many cowboys out there doing re gassing without locating and fixing the leaks, (re gas without locating and fixing leak is illegal) not to mention waste of time and money.ferrit wrote:cost me $230 to get my R12 system in the lux overhauled and converted to R134a, and havent noticed any change in performance (the guy spent the extra time to pull the vaccum down to -100kpa, and put a bigger than usual charge in it.