Great Comp. Thanks to all those who turned up to either compete or spectate.
A few people stood out to me that were competing.
First was Celia. Although i know you were worried when we first walked the Winch Section you did a great job as did Eugene. You just kept your Cool in all situations
Then there was Ali(Chris Roctoy's Other half and navigator) There were times when you looked like you were about to fall down and die but then the crowed cheared you on and you were off like the energiser bunny again. You did a great job under a lot of pressure
Tom (GQ) even though you couldnt hear a word Wes was saying to you(Which was piss funny at times because Wes still kept yelling out to you all weekend

) you did a fantastic job and i think if Wes jumps Ship on me and continues driving you are going to be busy for a long time. And i think my winning streak will come to an end as soon as you guys get more sorted.
Micheal (The Suit Man) in the fresh red tubed out 40. For a first drive of a fresh Rig you did well and with a little more seat time and a few refinements on your machine you should give a lot of other rigs a run for their money.
Pete A You were right on my heals all weekend and all it would have taken was me to break early in the Rockcrawling course and you would have had me but what can i say "Allways a Bridesmade never a Bride"
The Crowd was great although i think they are still a little Quiet. Dont worry about putting us off from chearing us on. The louder you get the more action you will get from us. If we are doing something that excites you let us know and we may just do a little more of it
The organisation was also great and even Sam himself did a great job and i think he actually enjoyed it more than he enjoys competing
Ok now after my smoke shows in the rockcrawling stage im looking for a new set of Tyres in the 37" range for WEROCK so if there are any Tire guys looking for a Rig to Sponsor look this way please
Oh yeah and i did have a decent endo after the comp driving a line i have driven in the past and i did injure myself a little. I have compressed my spine slightly which has done no permanant damage but has tweaked a few muscles. I should be back in the seat within a week or so. When i landed i landed on a football sized rock which made its way through my roof between my crossbrace and pushed my helmet down fairly hard. It hurt a lot, My first though was a broken neck as i could not breath but after a few seconds and some slow moving to climb out i was fealing a little better. This was the only injury i have sustained in a few real hard rolls so it does show how well good bar work can save you. We will now be adding at least 3mm expanded mesh to the roofs of all or buggys just so there is a little less chance of this ever happening again. This is realy something no one ever wants to experiance i have never been so scared as i was for those few seconds.
Anyway i had a great time obviously as i Won

And i hope this event is Bigger and Better in 2006.
Here are some pics of the damage to my roof after the roll

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