reversed out of garaged went about 2 car lengths then came to stop. felt like started to go over big rock or something. nothing under car. rolled forward all good, reverse and does it again. drove forward into garage and no problems, reverse and comes to stop again. try to continue but stalled.

stuff around some more then pull out jack, turns out rear left wheel locked solid. brakes seized. wasn't handbrake as cable still loose. bled brake a bit but wheel still wouldnt turn. pulled wheel off but couldnt get drum off.....(after work now)....eventually prise wheel off, had to back off adjuster bolt thru back of drum, both brake shoes were jam hard onto drum. wound adjuster about 2 turns which pulled shoes together, able to put drum back on and now will spin. wheel back on, go for test drive all working fine.

ok, so now my car works again, but can anyone explain why adjuster would be so far out to cause shoes to jam wheel, when was working perfectly the day before????
i need some sort of reasonable explanation (i cant think of one) so dont have to worry this sort of bullshit happens again.
thanks in advance