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Does your 4b have more roll after doing a SOA?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 6:53 pm
by Nev62
Wanting some feed back from the guys who have done a SOA.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 7:11 pm
My old 60 was a dream to drive .... except if you came into a corner
a bit too hot.....then yee learn how to pucker up!!!!!
Off road it was awsome...heaps more travel, approach & departure angles,
hill climbing, mud holes......but (here we go again) downhill....kiss your
ass goodbye.
SOA is a very personal preferance.


I went to a LUX cause it was spring over, reverse shackel...standard. (all theory, mind you!)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 8:11 pm
by bigzuk
i went from 26 inch tyres and SPUA on my drover to 31's and SPOA in a weekend and it actually drives and rides better with the 31s

no noticeable difference with the 26 and SPOA cept it looked gay :roll:

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:26 pm
by v840
You are effectively raising the centre of gravity on your vehicle. 60s in paricular dont respond well to SOA IMO as they have a heavy body and relatively narrow axles so they become quite tippy.

That said, if you drive accordingly and do not skimp on steering and braking components in the build I feel you should be fine. Personally, I would also remove a couple of leaves from the pack too as they are fairly thick and inhibit flex and the ride.

EDIT: Ive sprungover a few vehicles and my current ride is SOA so obviously I think it is a good mod but I do feel that it is a mod that can be done wrong alot of different ways. On-road is a compromise (as is any major suspension lift) but off road is a huge improvement. Do some research and do it right and you will gain a whole lot more appreciation for your vehicle on and off road. [/2c]