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4" IFS Lift Vibration?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:16 am
by spongerx
I'm looking to lift my 2003 IFS Hilux in the next few months with one of the 4" kits that lowers the front diff 4" with brackets.

I tend to drive with my front hubs locked so my front drive-shaft is always spinning. Am I likely to experience any vibration in my front or rear driveshafts with this much lift?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:08 am
by leehamescort

the only time you will get vibrations if something is worn out, all the geometry stays standard (other than tailshaft angle) so you shouldn't have any issues.

It is probably worth changing the unis if they are old as the increased angle does lessen their life. My current set of unis have been in the car 18 months now.
