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Empty the mud out...

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:17 am
by MightyMouse
Time to check the drains under the rubber door seals.

After a mudbath last weekend, noticed a sloshing sound....

Pulled the passenger door trim off and the bottom of the door was full of mud. Emptied it out and weighted it out of curiosity and there was over 3kg.

Took awhile to wash it out - the neighbor was most perplexed, apparently she'd never seen anyone tipping buckets of water into a door.

Its been there awhile I suspect - no sign of rust but give it enough time and it wouldn't help

Expect to find the same in other hollow panels - so perhaps I'll go a bit faster afterwards :cool:

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:47 pm
by tas80
When I bought my old Rocky the doors were half full of mud, gave them the same wash out treatment that you did and then painted the insides with underbody coating, thought it was pretty strange there was no rust at all starting in the seams as a hilux would rust out in no time with damp mud like this. Only realised when I downlaoaded the workshop manual from WARF's site that a lot of the daihatsu panels are actualy galvanised!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:16 am
by rob-lo
i noticed the same thing in the body behind the rear wheels not mud but damp powdery stuff .a lesser 4by and i wood have found holes,wise non as bunderasyndrome