I'm from SA doing a trip around WA and need some help! Ive just gotten back from a trip around the south west coast and after some over heating dramas have found a nasty leak. I've got a turboed 2H 1989 HJ75 Troopy which has developed a leak from the water line that goes from the back of the turbo back into the block. I was wondering if anyone here would know somewhere north of Perth(I'm staying out at Kinross near Joondalup atm) that would be able to make me up a custom braided line asap as its not an off the shelf jobbie???
Also need help trying to solve a strange overheating problem. First off before I left for WA I redid the the whole cooling system. New radiator and flush, new thermosat and housings, new hoses and belts etc. Now its still over heating but in strange ways!
It is ok when cruising along at 90 -100 kms, still gets a bit warm on big hills etc which is to be expected for an old bus I guess, but on flat highways etc after cruising for extended times its not too bad, sits on about a 1/3 on the gauge, BUT when slowing down again say coming through towns and have to slow down to 60 the gauge goes right up to the red, then once cruising again it takes a while to come down but does come down. After doing this several times in a row it stays very hot for quite a while.
Its got me stumped, until I got back it wasnt using hardly any water, occasionaly pushing some back into the overflow bottle and out. Its also developed a miss on idle and seems down on power a bit. It has been pretty bloody hot over here but have not been pushing her at all just cruising along. Seems to go like a train in the cooler weather though.
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated as I need to leave for home (Adelaide) next Monday and have my 7yo daughter in tow and i dont wanna be stuck out on the Nullarbor with her