This will not be part of the Black Rat Challenge, unregistered vehicles will not be allowed near the Black Rat stages! It would be a completely different event run by the competitors.
We'll be too busy with Black Rat to help out in any way. It will be up to the people that take up this offer to run the event.
We'd need around 15 starters to make this happen and we'd have to cap it at around 25 competitors.
We haven't written any rules, but you'd need a roll cage, window nets, harnesses and helmets to enter. Drivers will need to hold a current drivers licence and be at least 18 years of age (no learners permits) Ideally this would be for vehicles that don't meet the rules for Black Rat ie original chassis between the front and rear diffs and the engine mounted to the original chassis rails.
Due to the large number of people attending Black Rat, this is open to competitors only. The cost would be $150 per vehicle, this includes entry for 2 adults and any kids up to 17 years of age, we'll supply the amenities (including showers) and the trophies but the rest will be up to the competitors.
This gully is 250m long and all rock. It's half steep sides like whats shown in the pictures, but it does level off towards the top, and has a few large steps around 1.5 to 2m high at the start and towards the top.
Unregistered vehicles will not be allowed to drive freely around the property, they would be limited to this track and a separate camping area and that's it!
We realise this is very short notice, but the offer is there if you want it.
If you're interested you can send an email to or send me a PM