just thought id put up about a little project that seems to be gathering momentum with some mates and i seeing as i will doing the vast majority of research here

as it suggest, a good mate of mine put forward the idea of his 1.3L suzi ute to be turned into a trailer queen as a project over the summer holidays. as it lives on the farm that is leased atm it hasnt been run for some time nor has it been given the once over but we are heading down soon to draw up some plans
some ideas floating around at the moment include:
1.6L EFI S/charged engine swap
wheel spacers
3/4 ellipticals in the rear
RUF, extending front chassis mounts by about 3 to 4"s and using the factory rear mounts
6.5 T/case gears
T/case lift
Welded rear, lokka front
at this stage im just getting as much info as possible and hopefully heading down to check the ute out fairly soon to get some more solid plans
any tips, pointers, heads up etc much appreciated
anyway ill try and update as we go
cheers, cam