One of my mates has a 3.9 v8 d1 which runs fine when you start it up but when the motor warms up a bit it starts to run poorly. If you are sitting at the lights you have to keep one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake to keep it running. It just cuts out otherwise because it idles so rough. We first thought that it just needed a tune but when it went in to get that done the guys at the mechanics said that there was a problem with the air flow sensor. It has been to many mechanics now and no one can seem to fix the problem. The air flow sensor has been changed with a second hand one off a wreck that we have that ran fine before it was stripped down but that didnt seem to change anything. Some of the other mechanics have said that the coolant temp sensor might be what is at fault. If anyone has any ideas or had this happen to them before then a bit of help would be welcome
