General concensus so far is a blockage somewhere. We're going to check it out tonight but if you think of anything else that could be the cause speak up, or forever hold your peace

I've got a 2003, GU ute with the TD42Ti engine.
The Ute was driving fine yesterday arvo but I got in it today and its like driving a N/A 4.2!
I've got a boost gauge fitted and going by that I've got to push the car ALOT harder to get the same max boost readings as before (11psi). Usually it would reach max boost really easily and quickly, but now it's a real mission to get there and driving normaly (not hard) it only gets up to about 4-5psi.
It also feels like the turbo just isn't doing anything. I can hear it spooling but it feels like it adds nothing to the engines power and it's slow as all hell to drive at the moment. Also before if I gave the engine a little rev in neutral i'd hear the turbo whistle, now nothing...
To my mind there are two possibilities.
1 - A loose conection somewhere that's leaking air, maybe on the air line from the gauge to where it's reading the boost, or somewhere else in the system?
I've already had a quick look at the gauge line and there doesn't seem to be any kinks or loose connections, but will have to take the complete line out tonight and have a close look at it.
2 - a buggered turbo.
I'm not real cluey on this sorta stuff so if anyone can help pin-point the issue hear, or point me in the right direction, that'd be great!