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45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:59 am
by Mulcahy
hi i need to know what number is on the outside casting of eather a 80series or v6 four runner front brake caliper with the 45mm pots, as the wreckers i rang says that any model can have either the big pots or the smaller pots
thanks Shane Mulcahy
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:12 am
by Mulcahy
ok so for anyone that wants to know the casting on the side is s13wb and that is for the bigger cylinder brake calipers
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:03 pm
by Mr DJ
TOP - 45mm X 4 pot, V6 130 4Runner caliper I removed myself (same as early 80 series). Brake pad part# DB1346
BOTTOM - 42mm X 4 pot, 130 Surf caliper. After late 91 believe they are same as V6 4Runner. Brake pad part# DB1149
They are almost identical and to be honest I couldn't tell any difference in braking after the swap.
EDIT: added brake pad part no's to match calipers above.
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:00 pm
by Green80
MrDJ, the top caliper is to suit a wider rotor.
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:20 pm
by brad 93hilux
The diffence would be between vented (top) and solid rotors (bottom)..
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:25 pm
by Mr DJ
Yea, suit 25mm rotor exactly the same as 90 - 8/92 80 series and 8/91 - 95 4Runners.
Old rotors are 20mm thick (DBA 780) currently running DBA 151 till they wear out then change to DBA 775's (with maching of IFS hub conversion spacer), still works just shorter pad life.
4Runner rotor is bigger (DBA 775) at 291mm with 80 rotor (DBA 782) at 286mm.
Backspacing & centre hole size is different but thickness is same.
Sorry Brad, both the 20mm rotor (Hilux/60 series) & 25mm rotor (80 or 4Runner) are vented.
The solid Hilux rotors are only 12.7mm thick when new.
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:17 pm
by Mulcahy
hi i was looking at running these calipers on my hj47 but now you have me wondering about rotors as i was gunna upgrade to 60 series rotors and 80 series calipers but i dont think these would work due to different thicknesses, if you can help it would be much appreciated
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:32 pm
by Mr DJ
HJ47 and 60 series are the same rotor DBA151 and are 20mm thick.
Will still work just a shorter pad life as it won't wear all the pad.
What calipers do you have now ??
IMO the easiest upgrade for you is the other calipers in the pic as they suit 20mm rotor with 42mm x 4 pot caliper, uses a 15/16 master from factory but 1" works same.
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:38 am
by Hamo
Mr DJ wrote:HJ47 and 60 series are the same rotor DBA151 and are 20mm thick.
Will still work just a shorter pad life as it won't wear all the pad.
So what happens when the pad is worn out do the pistons drop out?
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:39 am
by Mulcahy
i havent brought any yet so i will get the second one so i can where the full pad, what model surf are they from
thanks Shane Mulcahy
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:36 pm
by Mr DJ
Hamo wrote: So what happens when the pad is worn out do the pistons drop out?
No, just seems to not brake as well

, change pads and all is good again.
Those are from a 91 Surf, but all 2nd gen Surf 8/89? - 8/91 should be the same.
Just check the code on the caliper to be sure.
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:49 pm
by Mulcahy
hey when i buy the 60 series rotors should i get the slotted and drilled or just the slotted
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:17 pm
by Mr DJ
Others may have a different opinion but for me the cross-drilled ones will just fill up with mud/crud.
Save your hard earned $$$'s and just go the vented IMO.
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:28 pm
by Mulcahy
yep thats what i thought and will i just get surf pads but what compound is good
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:41 pm
by Mr DJ
I use Bendix 4WD pads and seem fine.
What do others use ??
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:33 pm
by Mulcahy
hey just another question for yous (hope you dont think i am waiting to be hand fed) i have searched and can't find what size the surf master and booster is as if it isn't any different to my hj47 one i will keep it as i have a new master and a rebuilt booster
thanks Shane Mulcahy
Re: 45mm 80series caliper pictures
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:14 pm
by Mr DJ
Surf booster is dual diaphragm not sure what yours is.
Master question already answered above.