NEWS JUST TO HAND: (copyof email)
Hi all.
The latest news and update for the Wood Pecker Challenge.
Yes the event is definitely on...........But we must prepare for the worst.!
I have been keeping in touch with the captain of the colo heights fire brigade and has now informed us that the fire danger south of Melon Rock is safe and clear from the front line of the present fire still burning. Apparently there was a real threat of fires in the area of the Nissan Trials last week end, but now is all clear.
However, there is still a risk of the Putty Road being closed on the week end of the Challenge.......Once you approach the road block at colo as long as you say to the Police your heading to the Wood Pecker Challenge, they will allow you to pass.
VERY IMPORTANT.......(Unless it rains for several days prior) We will not know until the week end if it will be declared as a total fire ban, The gates to the event will open from midday on Saturday 23rd November, so therefore who ever is camping please ensure that you are all prepared with cold meats and salads as there will be no cooking allowed at all over the week end in the event of a TOTAL FIRE BAN.
TOTAL FIRE BAN means no naked flame - this includes gas cooking.
We will advice everybody at the gate of the current fire risk/status.
On the day of the event, we will still have food available.....instead of steak and sausage sandwiches which need to be cooked by gas, we will provide hot dogs and roast lamb/gravy sauce etc, mmmmyum yum.
Strictly No Camp Fires will be allowed during a Total Fire Ban..
Of cause this is to prepare us all for the worst case, however if the weather pattern changes than hopefully the fire restrictions would reduce.
Please help by passing this email to as many potential spectators as possible, thankyou all for your support and beware of some serious action to be unleashed at the all New Wood Pecker Challenge.(same site location as the Nissan Trials) 60km from Windsor Bridge up the Putty Rd........Be there or just miss out big time.
Regards Shane Barlow
MMMM HOpe I can make it

Larry. Thanks to Pete for the email copy.