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60 Series - OME Steering Damper + Electrical Questions

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:37 am
Hey everyone.

Recently i bought an OME Steering Damper to replace my original.

Upon removing the original ( after alot of effort) i went to put the OME in.

Dad said that the OME steering damper would work better the other way around, so i installed it like this tightened it up and took it for a drive.

Pic: of how it looks now - Original Damper was the other way around (BIG END Up the top)


I didn't even notice an improvement in steering feel ( although i'm not too sure what i was meant to feel)

Now... my electrical question.

After my recent new alternator

I went to turn the lights on, and my right indicator turned on and stayed on. Also... when indicating with no lights on the clock pulsates.

Appreciate everyones help.


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 11:49 am
by cmcd
Steering Damper - put it in so that if you get water/mud into the "top" end of it, it can drain out. I'm fairly sure steering would get difficult if you had a damper full of dry mud. ;)

Can't help with the electricals tho, sorry.. :oops: