waz wrote:now is the best time to sort all the issues out, lookin good mate
Thanks mate
Jimbo wrote:Very nice!!
Where is your turbo getting oil from? The line seems to go over the top of the engine to the other side.
Also in the first pick where does that blue hose just after the air filter go??
the oil comes from my oil sender on the side of my block and i have a T piece and my new oil sender for my speco gauge goes in there.
The blue hose goes to my catch can ..
terrytuffnut wrote:Did you end up getting chapmans to do your tuning?
Who did the install??
Looking good bit silly they never put blow off on for ya. Spose its so you can your blue mod plate then put it on.
Have you msd all connected aswell?
Chapmans fitted up my GRA and are doing the tunning..
I did install the turbo catch can alot of the other bits
Spoke to them this morning then will fit the blow off valve for me as they didn't see it in the box with all the other bits so they will be fitted wednesday as the 3" exhaust is going on today and tommrow he had a little trouble today with it becuase i asked if a flexiable pipe can be added to the wastegate pipe so that it won't crack from the heat being so low down from water or something..
I fitted up the MSD wasn't that hard and mounted the box on my firewall and just used a boat trailer wire to run to the coil as that has the right size wire and like 8 different colours etc and looks neat.
Deciding wether or not to run a muffler or not as they kinda started it last friday and becuase it wasn't tunned it wouldn't completley start but it wasn't very loud at all.. So i have be given the option tommorw to go down and try 3 different mufflers loud medium and quite one so i'll see how i go.. If it's to quiet might just run a straight thru or just a resiantior..
Can't bloody wait now !!