Former Surf owner

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Who is Ray ? (do we want to know ?)saint_she_aint wrote:I like the way Ray is ready to flame someone yet if you buy an engine off one of his mates and call him to find out what condition it is in he will lie to you...well either lie or he really knows nothing.
Wow Michelle, you've still got your knickers in a twist huh. Whats it been, 2 years +? Kind of surprised you decided to bring this up here, but since you did, allow me to respond to your allegations here with some facts........just to clear it up for the OLers.saint_she_aint wrote:I like the way Ray is ready to flame someone yet if you buy an engine off one of his mates and call him to find out what condition it is in he will lie to you...well either lie or he really knows nothing.
My surfs problems all started when I put in a motor that I bought from one of his mates that was suppose to be in great condition and looked after 100%.....it lasted not even 3 months, half a dozen cracks in the head, oil leaking out of everywhere
It seems from this quote that you were very happy about the engine when the conversion was first done. You had problems with the engine sometime after that. You complained about lack of take off power. From what I read you and your mechanics spent alot of time and money removing/reconditioning/inspecting lots of things like auto trans, torque convertor, injection pump. So it turns out that after all this your problem was the injection pump from your orignal motor (which apparently was tested by a "Denso Authorised Diesel Mechanic" (who Jez holds in very high regard) and was said to be ok). Really glad you finally fixed the problem. I also read that you also found that the engine that was supplied to you had a cracked head and had "stuffed cylinders"....not sure exactly what that means.Saint_She_Aint wrote:I am a very happy saint tonight!!!!!
First turn of the key, a good whir whir whir no kick over, second turn the same, third turn WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was jumping and screaming all over the place![]()
IT WORKED!!!!!! I kinda knew it would cos I have total faith in these two people, Geoff and Keith that put it all together and worked out how to do it.
Brains of brilliance I say!!!!!! It sounds terrific, doesnt miss a beat.
On test driving it tho the turbo didnt kick in about 5 times and we had to pull over...I think it was something that was stuck, cant remember what they said but after fiddling around with it and taking her out again she went beautifully.
Keith is gonna bring her over in the morning and we are gonna go back to Trentham for a test play :p
So now that you have just read my ramble.....the conclusion to my story is
that you CAN put a 2LTLL manual into a 2LTE auto!
WTF? Do you even know what you are trying to say here coz I sure as fark dont![/quote]
If you havent already bought a surf....dont buy one, they are a great car.
Perhaps you should quote/read the rest of the paragraphRAY185 wrote:
I also explained to you the fact that the owner of this vehicle complained to me a couple of times via telephone that his engine had used oil. He confirmed (also via telephone) that the vehicle definately didnt blow any excessive smoke of ANY colour and that it was not leaking externally. He also confirmed that this problem seemed to happen for a couple of weeks then disappear. Upon his next booking for servicing I asked if he would like me to look into this strange oil consumption issue but he decided not to worry about it as it was so intermittent. I stress again that I told you all this information when you called me.
Yes you did tell me it had used oil on one or two occasions. However by the time I had done 3000 kms in it I was putting in a litre of oil every 300 kms.
I quote you from the surfsite (of which I am no longer an active member) from a thread posted just after the engine in question was fitted.
It seems from this quote that you were very happy about the engine when the conversion was first done. You had problems with the engine sometime after that. Well no, I had take off problems from the first day I drove her. Read above. You complained about lack of take off power. From what I read you and your mechanics spent alot of time and money removing/reconditioning/inspecting lots of things like auto trans, torque convertor, injection pump. So it turns out that after all this your problem was the injection pump from your orignal motor (which apparently was tested by a "Denso Authorised Diesel Mechanic" (who Jez holds in very high regard) and was said to be ok). Really glad you finally fixed the problem. I also read that you also found that the engine that was supplied to you had a cracked head and had "stuffed cylinders"....not sure exactly what that means.Saint_She_Aint wrote:I am a very happy saint tonight!!!!!
First turn of the key, a good whir whir whir no kick over, second turn the same, third turn WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was jumping and screaming all over the place![]()
IT WORKED!!!!!! I kinda knew it would cos I have total faith in these two people, Geoff and Keith that put it all together and worked out how to do it.
Brains of brilliance I say!!!!!! It sounds terrific, doesnt miss a beat.
On test driving it tho the turbo didnt kick in about 5 times and we had to pull over...I think it was something that was stuck, cant remember what they said but after fiddling around with it and taking her out again she went beautifully.
Keith is gonna bring her over in the morning and we are gonna go back to Trentham for a test play :p
That post I was happy to have my surf back on the road....I hadnt even driven her when I put that post up and got her back the next day, when I put this post up so in that same post you forget to quote:
"Thanks everyone, the bitch is back home!
The turbo hasnt cut out again however it doesnt seem to be as strong as the last one so I will prolly put my old turbo on in the near future cos I have gone from 0 - 35 ks in 5 secs to 0 - 12 ks in 5 secs
Once it goes though it is good, just seems to take a bit longer to kick in.
I guess I wont get a ticket for draggin at the lights
So now that you have just read my ramble.....the conclusion to my story is
that you CAN put a 2LTLL manual into a 2LTE auto!
March 20th I got her back, the beginning of June she died in the ass...
Its now official, its died in the ass.
I managed to start it this afternoon and it took over 2 kms to get to 60 ks.
I got to Ballarat offroad and I cant remember everything they said but they said that its been under so much pressure that the oil is bypassing the cylinders and going to the intake manifold and is being pushed out of everywhere.
We tried to start it with the oil cap off and as it was trying to turn over, oil was pumping out like a huge fountain all over the bonnet.
We put the lid back on and after a lot of effort got it started and took off each hose individually and each hose was spraying a lot of smoke and oil.
They told me not to drive it anymore.....well thats easy said, cos on the way home I could not get it to go over 70 kms and even that was an effort to keep it there. (and its mainly downhill home)
That ticking sound was getting louder and louder too.
I could quote a lot more posts inbetween these, but I have a busy life and dont have time.
The slow taking off got so bad within a month (problem solved post removed) that I could not move off from a slight incline and had to put the car into 4wd to actually move. I could not turn the car off as I knew she would not start and would take two sets of keys with me and leave her locked up running in carparks....that was prolly stupid, I shoulda left her unlocked in hope someone stole her
Either way, the point is this Michelle. Your previous engine died. You decided to take a cheaper option of buying a used second hand engine privately for about $1500 that obviously came with no warranty. My inital advice to you was to buy through a wrecker that could offer you some sort of warranty.....you made your choice. Money was an issue and I respect that. But what I dont respect is that after having problems you decided to turn around and blame anyone but yourself for the poor decision you made.
You took a risk, it bit you in the ass. End Of Story!
Yeah, I took a risk. A risk trusting people on the net. There was no way you can honestly sit there behind your computer screen after driving that car and tell me that it was fine. As you can now see the problem was from day one, and got worse over the 2 months the engine was in the car.
I lied about nothing, I tried to help you with as much info as I knew, nothing more, nothing less. If you feel a need to hold someone else accountable for your self inflicted misfortune, how about taking it up with the person who sold you the engine, at he could say he recieved $1500 for the pleasure of dealing with your episodes. I get to deal with this shit for nothing.WTF? Do you even know what you are trying to say here coz I sure as fark dont!
If you havent already bought a surf....dont buy one, they are a great car.
Actually Michelle, there is, and I have numerously. It comes down to this.....I gave you honest information in regards to my limited dealings with his engine and you have decided that the only explanation for things going pear shaped is that I must have lied to you. Feel free to use this reasoning if it makes you feel better about yourself. At some stage you're going to have to take a good look at yourself and realise that finding someone else to blame other than yourself for every bad card that life deals you teaches you nothing. Good luck with that.saint_she_aint wrote: There was no way you can honestly sit there behind your computer screen after driving that car and tell me that it was fine.
saint_she_aint wrote:Anyway Ray I am done with you....I dont like Jez anymore than you do, but you cant help putting people down from your hatred of someone from years ago either lmao
Well you have the number above babe, the line is open 24/7.saint_she_aint wrote:Hope you are doing well Ray....I miss you![]()
Point takengoannaoffroad wrote:Well said Bribie surf .
This reply should be posted up as a lesson to the Vengeful Surf Nazi's who instead of posting a reply based on experience and common sense would rather kick the heads of those who dare criticize the God of there fanatical religion.
When it all comes down to it it's just a vehicle not a way of life,and if it's all some one has in there world that's pretty sad.
Hmmmm... There something in that for all of us.
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