to the on all 4s and other clubs etc who assisted, was a great event, a Jamboree to remember...........whos gunna have a crack at running the next one?
also helped with trees revenge and the ramp with Tony, so it was good to se some of the guys and girls have a crack close up
first drive in the new rig proved testing...........on parts and my patience anyway, sheared the axles off the hub on day one

only very soft stuff up the hill climb, wasnt expecting something to go in those circumstances, but I had done the funkahna that day so I went and helped on the ramp and got back to camp with parts thanks from pete from napean clup for the studs and backed up for the mud drags which were awsome fun, although Wayne had the shits that he couldnt have a run up in the passenger seat
day two saw me wake up

ery hung over and marchal on trees revenge, about 2 when we got releived I had a crack and got to 40 when all the outlaw guys for the day were getting stuck on 10 at the first big log, was having a bit of fun and when 6 feet of air (apparently) got my front diff hum up on a stump keeping both front wheels off the ground I failed to preceed further and roke a CV trying to get off. Thanks to the fellea who grabbed hold of the snatch to pull me side ways to get me unstuck, and sorry to the felles near the mud run who prolly got some dirt on themafter I had to drive up the hill with no front drive and thanks to mitchell bros who sold me a CV up there
got that fixed and on day three went up and did the mud run only to not give it enough stick up the exit (still nervy about flipping the shorty

) and shearing the studs off one of the axles again when bouncing trying to get up, thanks to the guy who found one of the spring washers 150 odd metres away

for returning it
well now I know what is weak, and have a list of things to do, including the 10mm retainer bolts on the rear axles and no doubt a set of longfeilds
was good to meat a few more people, and say hello to all the other rednecks I allready knew...........like Tony

I want a bypass on mine mate
btw if anyone has any pics of my POS I would love to see them
If the above post did not offend you in any way please PM me so I can try harder!!