adrian wrote:Wouldn,t be the first time that you are following

I remember this one time on this slipprey road somewhere GIDDYUPMUPPET

.. I think it went something like..
Me: "Give it some giddy up through the water to wash the mud off our windscreen"
Me: "Yeah that's it. good one."
Me: "Don't spin the wheels when you get out of the water cos you spray our screen with mud and we can't see"
Muppet: " hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa"
Me: "Dude we can't see, don't stop"
Muppet: " Yeah no worries"
Me: "Nah muppet we really can't see anything"
Muppet: "yeah ok... We're coming up to the intersection now"
Me: " How far... Mate we really can't see anything. You've absolutely covered our windscreen with mud, We can't see at all... Nothing at all!!!!!!!"
Muppet: "Oh ok.. we're stopping now"
That was dokey punching funny that was... But at the time i was crapping myself that we were gunna hit you.....
But then we all went and had warm cookie sundaes and got over it

[quote="Uhhohh"]As far as an indecent proposal goes, I'd accept nothing less than $100,000 to tolerate buggery. Any less and it's just not worth the psychological trauma. [/quote]