Well it all depends Im in the same boat now wanting lockers very soon and this is the info I came up with Im after a front and rear for the D2
the problem is this unless you know how to put them in your self or you know some one that can do it for you the Ja macs are no good IMO I called him up last week to get a price and to see if he had any aurthrised fitters in NSW he qouted $1300 then advised do your self and hung up
ARB will set you back no more then $1500 each fitted plus the compressor
there big talk about faulty O ring in ARB but this is ARB where talking about and the money they put behind there product im sure that issue has been resolved if there where one
Maxi drives will set you back about $1800 for the rear then about $1300 for fitting which is crazy you dont wont to know how much the fronts are worth the other thing to consider from what ive been told that the vaume for the maxi drives flogs vacume from the brake lines true or not dont know but sounds bad
Im going for ARB with Maxi Drive axles its costing me $3000 lockers $500 for the compressor $1400 for the half shafts and $500 for bearing approx
$5400 front and rear appose to $8000 for Maxi Drives
again IMO