anything and everything 4WD.
About to purchase a '94 Monterey petrol auto with 150000km on the clock.
Getting it from a wholesale yard, where they don't do 'F' all about
cleaning/servicing basically buying it as it was traded to a ford dealership.
Have taken it for a cruise for about an hour and all seems fine apart from
some serious vibration/shudder in front rhs between 100km/h & 140km/h.
Interior is imac' and the huge sunroof goes off big time!
I've noticed it blowing some white smoke when the dealer first started it
up for me to take it for a run.
Any comments on this! I just presume it needs a good tune & service or
is it an indication of something else.
Is there anything I should be looking for in particular before buying it.
Coming from and ole 84 LS Jack so this will be bloody luxury for us if we get it!
Any recomendations for a good mechanic for jackaroos in Perth too?
any comments replies and suggestions would be appreciated.
wolf from perth
(not to be confused with Wolf from down south WA)