Greetings from Finland. Me and my girlfriend Sanna are planning to come all the way to Australia to see Nissan Trials + some Jetboat Sprints.
Someone might know who I am, but for those who don't a short presentation, so that it's easier to find out that i really love off road

Jare Salonen is the name, age 31 and i live in southern Finland. I've been in off road circus since 1991. Back then I had to be co-driver for my dad Kari because in Finland it's not allowed to drive until 18 years of age and valid driving license. So in 1994 I was 18 and we changed seats and i was driving with father being co-driver. We have won the Finnish Trial CUP series few times since 1995.
1998 We were in Spain and managed to win Euro Trial Champion title, 2006 Euro Trial Finland we were only second, 2004 also second in Euro Trial Hungary, 2003 Euro Trial Italy we were third.
2005 and 2006 I won Scandinavian Formula Off Road series champion title in modified class, being first Finnish Champion in Formula Off Road history.
We still are in off road competitions. We have built few 4x4 cars our self for Trial and one for Formula Off Road. Newest thing has been driving Off Road GPS Challenge/trophy competition CUP series in Finland for this season.
Ok so now we are heading to Australia on a holiday and to visit my fiances friend in Canberra and at the same trip I decided that I wanna see some Australian Off Road. Went trough web pages and found out that Nissan Trials is held 2.-4.11.2007 and that fits to us perfect. (Flight back to Finland goes at 6.11.2007 from Sydney.)
Just have few questions. How easy it is to find the competition area. It is this SORRA property that is about north from Sydney...right???
What is the price for tickets to see the competition?
Are the competitions 1 or 2 or 3 day long???
How many 4x4's are normally taking part to this competition?
Is there some cabins or motel kind of place nearby to sleep if the competition is longer than 1 day?
Is there some party and beer drinking after competions
Well that's it for now. Hope make new off roading friends on your side of the globe