What a great site you have here. I have been reading threads for some time now but now I come seeking some advice for myself.
I have bought a single TJM recovery point for my GQ (no winch if that matters). One of those 10mm thick flat steel plates which bolt on to the rails where the bullbar also bolts on.
I do an occasional bit of light 4WDing, some track and beach work but nothing too extreme. I have opted to fit only a single recovery point at the front of the vehicle. My question is, which is the better side to attach the plate? driver or passenger side.
I considered that in recovery situations there will always be a driver so if there is a chance of something breaking during recovery then it would be best to direct the force towards the passenger side which might be vacant at the time (don't tell my wife I said that though

Then again perhaps there's an even better reason for one side or the other. Perhaps it doesn't matter at all - but I thought that i would ask the question
Any advice on this matter would be appreciated. Thanks