When your mates say: WOW 3 WHEELIN'
When you skip class(still at school) to prove that your zook will go more places than ya mates locked lux on 36's
when you look at a flooded river try to cross it and end 30m down streem still floating and tryin to drive back up!
when the 4runner becomes the daily cause it just dosent lift wheels right.
when ya best mate with brass balls still wont get in the car cause the last time you drove him up that track with out the doors, it landed at the bottom on it roof with your works quick lets get it back on its wheels and try again.
when the drop off the scar park at school turns into a decent to check approach angles and departure angles so you can figure out if the extendard shackles accutly do anything, then say who cares it looks good!
when no one parks near you cause it looks like its been burnt out and sounds like its about to explode (love the 1ltrs
