Fisrtly well done to the Canobolas 4WD Club. For your first comp, you did exceptionally well.
Just a few points from a Spectator:
- Plenty of competitors. Not the ones I usually see at TTC and Willowglen. Was great to watch new competitors!
- Recoveries were quick. While I wouldn't say they were always the safest, they were very quick. As the competition becomes more popular, you may have a few issues though, needing to move the crowd to get vehicles off the course.
- Organisation needs to be tweaked just a little. The recoveries were nice and quick, and then we sat and waited while what seemed to be the drivers brief for that course was completed. I'm not 100% on the logistics of each course, (ie, the course cleric must oversee the recovery AND complete the driver briefing) but maybe the driver brief could be completed while the recovery is taking place? I noticed it picked up pace on Sunday, so maybe you sorted it out.
- No fires.

I know, with the wind it was too dangerous. I also know it's beyond your control, I just love a good campfire!
- $$$. I know the cost will possibly go up next year, but $20 for the weekend was great!!! (Yes, I'm a tightwad

- Same rules on each course?? I heard on Sunday one team were told on stage 3 not to put the wich cable inside the cab, yet they had done it on another course??
- I'm going to get flamed for this, but I'd like to see penalties for rear steer, just to even the field a bit.
- Give the kids attending a bed time!!! lol. (j/k)
- Starting the comp Saturday arvo and having the main parts on Sunday seemed to keep the drunken idiot factor down.
- Turn the wind machine off next year, eh?
Again, well done to the Canobolas Club and everyone else involved. Was a top weekend and can't wait until the next one!!