The Jigger has had a ZF/LT230 conversion amonst other things. This has moved the transfer mounts back a bit, enough to worry me that my precious Tom Woods front long slip will come out when articulating hard. The jigger is to run 37's which were ordered today, but they will rub on the back of the headlights. No prob, the plan was to space the entire front clip forward by 40mm using RHS against the firewall. Likewise the bullbar will also need to have the mounts rebootied to bring it forward also for tyre clearance.
So I get some measurements and find the Series front springs are 460mm to the bolt, though Toy LC40/42/46 fronts and rears will bring the diff back by 42-45mm which will solve a lot of probs and bring the wheelbase back to 107" which I like. The LC fronts also have the same free camber and the rears have 2" greater free camber though I'm not sure what the rates are.
Toy is standard shackle, LR is reverse shackle
The Diff nugget looks to be offset enough from the sump, the axles look like they will miss the sump by miles, the steering looks like it will be fine, but loses the parrallel geometry by 45mm, the shackle points look ok to clear any riggers, the shaft will have the slip joint put back to where I would have liked it to have been. The Xmember has also be scalloped now for greater travel, so contact should be ok also and the tyres should clear the firewall by about 600 kilometres.
Apart from redoing bumpstop location possibly upper shock mounts and having to remount the shackles.... can anybody smarter than me see any other reason that may cause me to crack enough to torch the #@%%er! if something goes badly?

It just seems to easy to be right. Landy springs are 2.5" wide, I'm not sure what Toyotas are, though I'm assuming close.... perhaps that'll be the issue!
TIA for any comments.